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Does Disney Keep Track of Uv Codes and Google Play Codes

To prevent the Off Topic Police having an aneurysm in the other threads I thought id create a thread for all those iTunes/UV & MA redemption queries that seem to crop up frequently so post away in here.


An introduction to digital lockers:

What is Ultraviolet?

Ultraviolet was a digital copy service that closed 31st July 2019.

What is Flixster
Flixster was a UK digital redemption platform, however it closed down in 2019.

What is iTunes?
iTunes is a digital platform created by Apple where you can purchase Movies, TV Programs, Music & Games.

What is Google Play
Google Play is a Digital platform for Movies and TV content created by Google, Google Play libraries can also be played back via YouTube.

What is Vudu?
Vudu is a US digital platform owned by Walmart for Movie and TV content.

What is FandangoNow?
Fandango Now is a US digital platform owned by Comcast and AT&T for Movies and TV content.

What is MA?
Movies Anywhere (MA) is a digital locker system released in late 2017. This is a digital locker system spearheaded by Disney's keychest platform in order to synchronise libraries and licenses. MA links the largest digital libraries such as Google Play Movies, iTunes(US), Vudu, Amazon and as of March 2018 Fandango Now.
At present it is restricted to the US with supported studios being:
Universal Pictures
Twentieth Century Fox
Warner Bros
Sony Pictures
At this time Paramount,Lionsgate & MGM including any of their subsidiary companies do not support MA so any of their movies Will Not port from one service to another and will only be viewable in the service you purchased or redeemed that movie in.

Example of use:
You could purchase or redeem a compatible film via iTunes in the USA or via other US digital services that are connected to your MA account. Let's say The Dark Knight in 4k/UHD which once the title is added to one of your digital libraries it will flow to your MA keychest locker. This will then synchronise to connected provider accounts so that movie will also appear in your Google library, Amazon library, Vudu library and FandangoNow library etc.

Now the basics are done here's some common questions and explanations in regards to iTunes, UK digital codes and MA:

Where do I redeem my UK Digital code?

Follow instructions on the slip, most codes now are for Google Play. If you see an iTunes logo on the slip it will have an iTunes redemption.

Can digital copies be redeemed in my UK iTunes account?
If the code shows an iTunes logo on it then yes you can redeem in your UK iTunes account and providing it's a HD code it will be upgrade to 4K if or when available.
The majority of UK digital codes will have a Google Play redemption which cannot be redeemed via iTunes so keep an eye out for that iTunes logo.
For iTunes digital codes you'll whats available in the US far out ways what's available in the UK.

Can I have a US iTunes account in the UK?
Yes - Check out the iTunes FAQ further down for more info.

What accounts can I link to MA?
Fandango Now
Google Play
Amazon Prime Video
Microsoft Movies


When linking to iTunes a US account is required as you cannot link a UK account to MA.
When linking to Google there is no limit on account location, once linked you can view your linked content via Google Play & YouTube. *.
When linking to Amazon there is no limit on account location*.
Vudu and FandangoNow are US only.
When linking to Microsoft there is no limit on account location, once linked you can view your linked content via Windows 10 and an Xbox One*.

Why are there asterisks above?(PLEASE TAKE NOTICE)

You can link a couple of UK registered accounts to MA, however when linking MA to non US accounts you will only have content flow down from MA rather than up to. Should you link a UK google account to MA you will only import titles from MA.
Microsoft Movies bought from the UK will not flow to the MA locker, however if you change your Xbox store to the US and make a movie purchase it will flow to the MA locker.
For Amazon playback is required through rather than as UK accounts restrict access to MA.

I tried signing up to MA but it said no proxies/VPNs?
As MA is limited to the US at this time they are trying to stop users from other countries signing up via VPN. At launch many VPN IPs were not blocked but over time known IP addresses have been blocked.
As it currently stands it's a case of trying different VPNs or DNS services until you find one that works.
Give these a try:
Smart DNS Proxy #free, Unblock US & Global Websites #smartdns #usproxy

Windscribe VPN extension on Chrome, set to US(East)
Or use the Winscribe VPN app via Google Play Store, set to US(East)
Windscribe VPN - Apps on Google Play

Another to try is a 2 VPN method using Tunnelbear & NordVPN:
Use Tunnelbear to put in details then press continue it will say no proxy or vpn don't refresh and switch to NordVPN(using Server 801)and press continue.
All being good you should now have MA up and running.

Also a couple of others to try if no luck with the above:
SoftEther VPN Project - SoftEther VPN Project

Free VPN - the fastest VPN in the house

(Please let us know if these no longer work)

One of my purchased or redeemed films hasn't ported into one of my digital libraries and doesn't show in MA?
First and foremost the film has to be from one of the 5 Movies Anywhere Studio Partners to port over. So any movies from Paramount,Lionsgate & MGM including any of their subsidiary companies will not port over at all.
Best advice before purchasing movies is to check to see if that movie is available via MA first if you intend on making a redemption or purchase in the likes of Vudu or FandangoNow with the intention of it porting to your iTunes library otherwise you may just end up wasting your money.
Also some movies even though they're from a supported studio still may not be available via MA so always check first.

Where can I get redeem codes?
Officially redeem codes come with the purchase of some UHD/HD Blurays and DVDs. However people sell their codes on eBay, Trading forums such as on & Market Places such as UltravioletCinema and UVSpider which both have links to lots of vendors that are selling each movie listed.
Other good sites include
Digital Addicts
Happy Watching
The UV Collector

What does Instawatch mean?
Instawatch are Vudu titles which you will need a Vudu account to redeem the movie.

What does iTunes via MA mean?
It means that it's probably an UV code which would need to be redeemed via Movies Anywhere for it to transfer to iTunes.
More recent releases are just coming with MA codes.

What does HDX or iTunes via MA mean?
It means it's a HD code for Vudu which will port to iTunes via MA but will be HD only.

Can I watch my movies using the MA app?
You can watch any supporting studio movies that are in your MA library via any device that has the MA app without the need for a VPN.
For ATV4K users you can play back in 4KHDR which comes in handy for those Disney/Marvel movies that are only HD in iTunes.

How do I know if I will get 4k?

(The plain and simple version)
Is it a 4K MA code?
Yes = MA , No = if it has an iTunes redemption then iTunes.

(The long winded version)
Direct to iTunes HD purchases & codes should go 4K as and when the title goes 4K.
Disney do not offer any titles 4K in iTunes so titles from any of their companies will not provide 4K ie: Marvel, Buena Vista and Touchstone Pictures just to name a few.
Apparently Google also offer a free HD to 4K upgrade on some movies but as I don't use Google Play or have a 4K compatible Google Play/YouTube device I cannot confirm.
There are NO free 4K upgrades on HD purchases or redeems that port to iTunes via MA from Vudu/FandangoNow etc so you'll need to have a specific 4K code to get the 4K port to iTunes, such titles will say 4K UHD or iTunes via redemption in MA.
The same applies to purchases, Only iTunes HD purchases will be granted a 4K upgrade within iTunes, when upgraded they will not port through MA and will remain HD in all other libraries other than iTunes.
There's also a huge spreadsheet you should look through using the link below before posting here as it may give the answers you're looking for regarding where to redeem and if or not certain movies port to MA/iTunes etc so use this chart for reference for 4K redemptions:
Redeeming 4K/UHD Codes
If you have trouble reading the spreadsheet on a Mobile try installing Google Sheets by Google and open it in there as it makes using the spreadsheet a much more user friendly experience, there is an app for both iPhone & Android:
(Spreadsheet now viewable and scrollable in this post)

Also bear in mind that the more recent releases in the US are coming with MA codes so you'll need to make sure it's a 4K code if you want the same in iTunes.
Any titles that have flowed through MA will show in your MA accounts Transaction History displaying what the maximum resolution rights you are entitled to view your movies in.

iTunes FAQ

Can I get US streaming apps in the UK

You can but you cannot download them via the UK App Store so would need a US iTunes account.

Can you redeem US iTunes codes into a UK iTunes account and vice versa
Digital codes are geo restricted so can only be redeemed in the country they originated from.
To use US iTunes codes you'd need to create a US iTunes account.

US iTunes
How to create a US iTunes account

Do you need a VPN/Smart DNS to use a US iTunes account in the UK
Currently no, let's hope it stays that way.
However you will need if you wish to use US streaming services such as Vudu, FandangoNow, HBO Max and streaming apps from other TV Networks.

Are there restrictions on swapping between UK & US iTunes accounts?
Via ATV there are no current restrictions so you can swap between the two as you please. It's just a case of adding both Apple ID's then just selecting the one you want to use.
However via a Mac,PC,iPhone or iPad you can swap between accounts fine and make purchases, but if you try to watch a Movie or TV show on the other account you'll get a prompt that if you continue you will be locked to that Apple ID on that device for 90 days so you cannot then change back until that time has passed.

How do I add a US Apple ID to an Apple TV HD/4K that's already logged into an existing UK iTunes account?
Ok, so go to Settings/Accounts/iTunes & App Store


Select add new id


Input US email/password


See this appear


You now have both UK and US id at bottom of screen. it's currently US as per the tick


And here I've now selected UK which is now ticked instead of the US one shown above:


Can now exit, and later go back to that screen and tick the alternative id whenever you want to switch between the two of you wish, with no passwords required to be entered furthermore.
Since TvOS 13 Apple have made things a little easier with switching between accounts as all you need to do now is just press and hold the Home button to bring up the Control Centre and select either your UK or US profile from there.



I've redeemed a title in MA/Vudu/FandangoNow and it's appeared in my iTunes library but has not been upgraded to 4k?
Apple are only upgrading HD titles 'purchased' from them. If you redeemed a code, bought or somehow acquired the movie from somewhere other than iTunes it will not be upgraded.
For a title from another service to appear as 4K in iTunes you need to have been granted 4K usage rights in MA at the point of purchase or redemption.

I have a UK iTunes library, can I port it to another service?
No. Until/if MA or a similar service is rolled out in the UK you cannot get the content to flow to other services.

Where can I buy US iTunes credit?
There's a few options available: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more or just set country of existing UK account to United States then search iTunes Gift Card email delivery. – Buy iTunes codes online
Cheap Gift Cards digital delivery
PC Game Supply - Digital Delivery in Seconds

Why have I got Movies I never purchased in my library since linking to Movies Anywhere?
Link two or more accounts to Movies Anywhere, and you'll get free copies of five movies — one from each of the big studio partners: (This offer is likely to be for a limited period)
•Big Hero 6 (Disney)
•Ghostbusters (Sony)
•Ice Age (20th Century Fox)
•Jason Bourne (Universal)
•The Lego Movie (WB)
Link to a Microsoft account and you'll get
•X-Men Days of Future Past
(This MA promotion may not be applicable forever so more recent signups may not get any free movies)

Will TV Series port through Movies Anywhere to iTunes?
No Clues in the name, Movies Anywhere is only for Movies.

Thanks to all who have contributed to this FAQ as without the input it wouldn't be what it is.

Does Disney Keep Track of Uv Codes and Google Play Codes
