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What Is the Latin Word for Protector

  1. Latin Translation. protector. More Latin words for protector. protector noun. bodyguard, watchman, custodian, custode, sentinel. praesul noun. patron, leader, front dancer, head, instructor.

  2. How to say protector in Latin - Thesaurus and Word Tools

    Latin Translation. protector. More Latin words for protector. protector noun. bodyguard, watchman, custodian, custode, sentinel. praesul noun. patron, leader, front dancer, head, instructor.


    protectrix · tutor · custos · fautor · defensor · praeses · vindex · adsertor · amicus · antestes · antistes · arma · assertor · auspex · cognitor · defenstrix · digitabulum · fautrix · favisor · favitor · paracletus · paraclitus · praestes · praesul · stator · tutela. Show algorithmically generated translations.

  4. What does protector mean in Latin? - Thesaurus and Word Tools

    custodian noun. protector. watchman noun. custos, vigil, circitor, circuitor, circumitor. bodyguard noun. satellitum, speculator, satelles, stipator, tuitor.

  5. Do You Know How to Say Protector in Latin?

    We hope this will help you to understand Latin better. Here is the translation and the Latin word for protector: protector Edit. Protector in all languages.

  6. How to say protection in Latin - Thesaurus and Word Tools

    More Latin words for protection. tutela noun. defense, care, charge, safeguard, security. praesidium noun. garrison, safeguard, patronage, aid, fortress. protectio noun.

  7. How to say protect in Latin - Thesaurus and Word Tools

    How to say protect in Latin. protect. Latin Translation. praesidio. More Latin words for protect. protego verb. defend, cover, hide, guard against, guard from. servo verb.

  8. Latin Baby Names » Girl Names » Meaning Protector ...

    Latin Girl Names » Means » Protector. Gentle Horse; Renowned Protector; …. Renowned Protector; Pretty Rose; …. God's Protection; Divine …. Blessing of God; Origin; …. Protectorates of Horses; Goddess …. Thought to be a Compound of …. Rendered to Mars; Warlike; From …. Combination of Maria and Luisa; ….

  9. A word for protector of nature/animals - Latin Language ...

    You could reverse this by using Aegisa word that in English means "The protection, backing, or support of a particular person;" and in Latin means a shield belonging to a god, occasionally a metaphor for any protection. I hope that covers divine protection in a metaphorical way with the right overtones.

    • Reviews: 2

    • Translate protector of my family in Latin with examples

      Contextual translation of "protector of my family" into Latin. Human translations with examples: vivo, jesus me, dux hominum, mea custodiat, quia domus mea.


        1. Adofo (Ghanian origin) meaning "warrior".

        2. Ajax (Greek origin) meaning "of the Earth". It is the name of a famous warrior who fought in the …

        3. Albern (English origin) meaning noble warrior.

        4. Aloysius (German origin) meaning famous warrior. A very popular German name.

        5. Alemana (Hawaiian origin) meaning warrior.

        6. Anakin (American origin) and translates to "a modern-day warrior". The popularity of the name lies in …

        7. Batair (Gaelic origin) meaning "strong warrior".

        8. Einar (Nordic origin) meaning " "the lone warrior".

        9. Elvy (English origin) meaning "the elf warrior". It is related to the Irish name, Ailbhe.

        10. Ewan (Scottish Gaelic origin) meaning "born of the mountain".

    • What is the Native American word for protector? - Answers

      Jun 05, 2014 · There are many Native American languages as there were many different tribes. The translation for protector will vary depending on which tribe you are asking about.Lakota: tunweya najin ...

    • protect in Latin - English-Latin Dictionary | Glosbe

      defendo. verb. en to keep safe. The only-begotten Son was given to humanity primarily to protect man against this definitive evil and against definitive suffering. Filius unigenitus datus est hominibus ut defenderet imprimis hominem ab hoc malo, a dolore certo et immutabili. en.wiktionary2016.

    • 64 powerful Names That Mean Protector (Girl And Boy ...

      May 29, 2021 · This name that means protector stems from Latin America, and this striking name carries with it the meaning of "protector of mankind". DEALLA; Of the names that mean protector for baby girls, one that is on the rarer side is the name Dealla. Dealla is a name that originated in Ireland. This name means "protector," and it is also said to ...

    • protector | Etymology, origin and meaning of protector by ...

      mid-14c., proteccioun, "shelter, defense, that which shields from harm or injury; keeping, guardianship, act or state of protecting;" late 14c. as "that which protects," from Old French proteccion "protection, shield" (12c.) and directly from Late Latin protectionem (nominative protectio) "a covering over," noun of action from past-participle stem of protegere "protect, cover in front," from pro "before" (see pro-) + tegere "to …

    • 21 Synonyms of PROTECTOR - Merriam-Webster

      Synonyms for PROTECTOR: custodian, defender, guard, guardian, guardian angel, protection

    • protego‎ (Latin): meaning, origin, translation - WordSense ...

      protection: protection (English) Origin & history Middle English, from Old French, from stem of Latin protectio‎ ("a covering over"), from protectus‎, past participle of protegere‎… protector : protector (English) Alternative forms protectour (obsolete) Origin & history Anglo-Norman protectour‎, from Old French protector‎, from ...

    • Do You Know How to Say Protector in Different Languages?

      Ways to say protector; Esperanto: protektanto Edit: Haitian Creole: pwoteksyon Edit: Latin: protector Edit

    • protector - Wiktionary

    • protect - Wiktionary

    • In Latin, how do you say 'protection'? - Quora

      Answered 5 years ago. According to the Collins Latin Dictionary (which is absolutely the best, if you are looking for a Latin dictionary): Protection = tutela, -ae. Protection = Praesidium, praesidii (This is the most common and best use) (LAW) patronicium, patronicii. (POL) fides, fidei.

    • Names with "protect" in Meaning - Behind the Name

      Possibly from Latin florens meaning "prosperous, flourishing" combined with the Germanic element mund meaning "protection". This is the name of the prince in some versions of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. Friedhelm m German. Derived from the Germanic elements frid "peace" and helm "helmet, protection".

    • Translate Latin to English online -

      Latin to English translation Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to instantly translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. photo voice input ? play stop Most Popular Phrases in Latin to English. Salve Hello ...

    • protector | EUdict | English>Latin

      Translation for: 'protector' in English->Latin dictionary. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs.

    • protection | Etymology, origin and meaning of protection ...

      protection (n.) mid-14c., proteccioun, "shelter, defense, that which shields from harm or injury; keeping, guardianship, act or state of protecting;" late 14c. as "that which protects," from Old French proteccion "protection, shield" (12c.) and directly from Late Latin protectionem (nominative protectio) "a covering over," noun of action from past-participle stem of protegere "protect, cover ...

    • PROTECTOR Synonyms: 42 Synonyms & Antonyms for …

      Find 42 ways to say PROTECTOR, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

    • guard in Latin - English-Latin Dictionary | Glosbe

      latin-ancient. Two dogs guard the house. Duo canes domum custodiunt. tatoeba. Chorus God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Undique, O Canada, Tibi vigilamus Sustineat Deus nationem nostram gloriosam et liberam O Canada, tibi vigilamus O Canada, tibi vigilamus.

    • God is our protector | EUdict | English>Latin is our protector

      Translation for: 'God is our protector' in English->Latin dictionary. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs.

    • Protector Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

      The meaning of protector is one that protects : guardian. How to use protector in a sentence.

    • protect | Etymology, origin and meaning of protect by ...

      protect (v.) "cover or shield from danger, harm, damage, exposure, trespass, temptation, insult, etc.," early 15c., protecten, from Latin protectus, past participle of protegere "to protect, defend, cover over, cover in front" (source also of French protéger, Old French protecter, Spanish proteger).This is from pro "before" (from PIE root *per-(1) "forward," hence "in front of, before ...

    • guardian in Latin - English-Latin Dictionary | Glosbe

      latin-ancient. But this is what religion can best ask of them, ... should be regarded as the protector and defender of the Church, which is truly the house of the Lord and the kingdom of God on earth. Sicut alter prosperas ac salutaris rationibus heri sui domesticis fuit, ac mox universo regno mirabiliter profuit, sic alter christiani nominis ...

    • 20000-NAMES.COM: Male Guardian Names, Defender Names, …

      LEXUS: Short form of Latin unisex Alexus, meaning "defender." MAHFUZ ( মাহফুজ ): Arabic name meaning "protected, safeguarded." MAMORU ( 守 ): Japanese name meaning "protector."

    • What is the Latin translation for the word protection in ...

      Feb 08, 2009 · Here are a bunch of words that mean protection of to protect in Latin: Praesidium, -i, neuter: protection Servo, -are, avi, atum: to protect, to guard

    • How to say, "The warrior of light" and/or "The guardian of ..."The-warrior...

      Answer (1 of 5): For light we have: LUX and LUMEN > of (the) light >> LUCIS and LUMINIS. For warrior we have: MILES, PUGNATOR, BELLATOR, MILITARIS VIR. For guardian we have: CUSTOS. MILES LUMINIS/LUCIS (soldier of light); PUGNATOR LUMINIS/LUCIS (fighter of/for light); BELLATOR LUMINIS/LUCIS (w...

    • How to say protection in Greek - Thesaurus and Word Tools

      perifroúri̱si̱ safeguard, defense, defence. προστατευτικά. prostateftiká protection. Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations …

    • Top 50 Baby Boy & Girl Names That Mean "Savior"

      Mar 05, 2020 · This elegant name is the Latin word for "protector or saviour". 17. Salvatore. This Spanish origin popular boys name means "saviour". 18. Sosthenes. Sosthenes is a beautiful name meaning "saviour" and is from the Bible. 19. Soterios. This Greek name means "saviour and powerful".

    • An excellent protector of sheep, the wolf! (Cicero ... excellent...

      Latin. An excellent protector of sheep, the wolf! (Cicero) O praeclarum custodem, ovium lupum! a claw in the wound (i.e., a knife in the wound) (Cicero) unguis in ulcere. a community is as those who rule it (Cicero) quales sunt summi civitatis viri talis est civitas. a competent person in my opinion, as he was accustomed often to hear him, and ...

    • Protector Definition & Meaning |

      Protector definition, a person or thing that protects; defender; guardian. See more.

    • child's protector - translation - English-Latin Dictionary's protector

      child's protector in Latin translation and definition "child's protector", English-Latin Dictionary online. child's protector . Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; genpol. provisor puerorum. stemming. Example sentences with "child's protector", translation memory. add example. No translation memories found. ...

    • The etymology of Harry Potter spells | Wizarding World

      Jan 04, 2017 · Expecto Patronum, the spell that conjured up Harry's magnificent stag Patronus, roughly translates into 'I expect (or await) a guardian' in Latin, which is apt. The actual result of the spell, the Patronus itself, has an even more interesting history. In Ancient Rome, the word 'patronus' meant protector, too, but with very different ...

    • 30+ Dog Names That Mean "Protector" - K9 of Mine

      Apr 08, 2021 · A protector dog name is the perfect selection for the watchdog of your home and your feelings. From foreign translations to common names meaning protector, find the perfect name to match your pooch's protective attitude!

    • Ten Latin Spells in Harry Potter | Latin Language Blog

      May 07, 2014 · Stupefy: Pseudo-Latin "I cause (you) to be stunned. Stupefy is a stunning spell which is a hodgepodge of two Latin words. The Latin verb stupeo meaning "to be stunned, numbed, astonished" and fio meaning "make, do, cause to happen."The spell is used to stun opponents. Reducto: Latin "Having been reduced" or " I bring back or withdraw"

    • Italian Translation of "protector" | Collins English ...

      Italian Translation of "protector" | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases.

    • What is the latin translation for the phrase 'Protect the ...

      Answer (1 of 2): I'm going to use these to Latin words. It won't be a word for word translation either, but gets the same idea across. Defendo, Defendere (3rd) - To protect Omnis, Omnis (3rd) - All persons Innocens, Innocentis - Harmless, Innocent Now making it a sentence Defendo, Defendere ...

    • Do You Know How to Say Protector in Greek?

      Categories: General Jobs and Occupations Law and Security. If you want to know how to say protector in Greek, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Greek better. Here is the translation and the Greek word for protector: προστάτης. [prostátis]

    • How to say protector in Greek?

      This page provides all possible translations of the word protector in the Greek language. προστάτης Greek.

    • 343 Ancient Greek Names And Their Meanings | Thought Catalog

      May 15, 2018 · Alejandra — Protector of humanity. 30. Alejandro — Defender of man. 31. Aleksander — Defender of man. 32. Aleksanteri — Defender of man. 33. Alena — Torch of light.

    • The not-so-magical Latin origins of 'Harry Potter' spells

      Jun 02, 2016 · The Latin "patronus" literally means "a protector or influential person." Expecto means "I look" or "I wait." Put them together, and you have "I wait for a protector."

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    What Is the Latin Word for Protector
